Chairman’s Greeting

For the era of 500,000 Gangdong citizens to arrive, we will strive to make Gangdong a more lively and happy place to live in.
Dear 460,000 residents of Gangdong District.
I am Dong-tak Cho, chairman of Gangdong District Council.
Thank you for visiting the Gangdong District Council website.
Gangdong District Council was first established on April 15, 1941. We now have 9th Gangdong District Council today and the Council is faithfully carrying out its duties representing 460,000 residents of the district.
The residents’ interest in the council’s work has increased due to the complete revision of the Local Autonomy Act and increased role of local councils. The 18 members of this council will try their utmost to hear out the residents and to represent people’s wills and opinions as best as possible.
I hope this website serves as a place of information-sharing that collects different opinions residents have, allows us to take those opinions into account in our council work and that shares council activities to the residents.
Thank you.
I am Dong-tak Cho, chairman of Gangdong District Council.
Thank you for visiting the Gangdong District Council website.
Gangdong District Council was first established on April 15, 1941. We now have 9th Gangdong District Council today and the Council is faithfully carrying out its duties representing 460,000 residents of the district.
The residents’ interest in the council’s work has increased due to the complete revision of the Local Autonomy Act and increased role of local councils. The 18 members of this council will try their utmost to hear out the residents and to represent people’s wills and opinions as best as possible.
I hope this website serves as a place of information-sharing that collects different opinions residents have, allows us to take those opinions into account in our council work and that shares council activities to the residents.
Thank you.
Dong-tak Cho, chairman of Gangdong District Council